The VWA5000062AA is a distributed amplifier designed on a 0.15μm pHEMT process.
The device is capable of more than +22dBm of output power at saturation regime, up to 40GHz. And more than +16dBm of output power at 1dB of gain compression, up to 40GHz. It provides 15dB of linear gain from DC to 40GHz, with an excellent group delay. The design has been optimized to provide high efficiency. The supply current is as low as 180mA when operating with VD = +6V.The die include a 50Ω transmission line for calibration system.
DC to 40GHz / 15dB Gain/ 22dBm PSAT
Medium Power amplifier
Medium Power amplifier

- Wideband Distributed amplifier pHEMT GaAs MMIC
- Wide band: DC to 40GHz.
- Flat group delay.
- 50ΩRF Single ended input and output
- DC coupled In, DC coupled Out
- P1dB >+16dBm DC to 40GHz
- High output PSAT >+22dBm DC to 40GHz
- Small signal gain: >15dB 2GHz to 40GHz
- Nominal Power Supply: 180mA @ +6V
- Chip size: 2.27 x 1.574 x 0.1mm