Home 5 Product 5 VM215D


WBA/GaAs 2-20 GHz OP1dB / 16dBm G/15dB

Vectrawave’s VM215D is a gallium arsenide (AsGa) self-biased amplifier designed specifically with high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities 2-20GHz under 5V
The device has a small signal gain of 16dB With a 1dB compression output power of 15dBm.
The device contains internal DC block and internal drain bias.




  • Wideband Distributed amplifier pHEMT GaAs MMIC
  • Wide band: 2 to 20GHz.
  • Internal Resistive Drain Biasing System
  • Flat group delay.
  • 50ΩRF Single ended input and output
  • DC coupled In, DC coupled Out
  • P1dB >+9dBm DC to 44GHz
  • High output PSAT >+12dBm DC to 44GHz
  • Small signal gain: >8dB DC to 70GHz
  • Nominal Power Supply: 75mA @ +5V
  • Chip size: 3.12 x 1.5 x 0.1 (mm)